The Truth About AbortionIn a world where myth becomes perception, it’s time to clear the air and get down to what really happens when a
Who I Should Be This JuneteenthOn Juneteenth and sustaining. Juneteenth is a national holiday that marks the end of slavery following the conclusion of the Civil War
Media MisogynoirThere is a long history of media misogynoir in sports. Analyzing The Treatment Of Black Women In Modern Media Sports analyst Emmanuel
The Commodification of Sexism in Hip HopHip Hop Feminism An analysis of hip-hop and female empowerment through the academic lens thanks to Professor Jiles In her book Black
Films That Educate + InformThe power of film can transform the world we live in … Today marks a resolution in the 146-day strike for the
Assimilation and the UnknownBeing of mixed race should not be something that forces us to pick a side of our own identity After taking a